Saturday, May 5, 2007

Knock the Dust Off That One

Okay one of those seasons in marriage is approaching causing me to pull out one of my favorite, most written in books of all time. I don't know why I ever put this book back on the shelf. It should stay on the night stand, by the toilet, on the dashboard of my van, better yet.. imprinted on my heart!! "The Power of a Praying Wife." That's right. One of the most "tell it like it is" books I've ever read.

So, I pulled it out because I was not the best of wives to my precious husband, who undoubtedly deserves the best of me at all times. Any man who cleans the bathrooms (and anything else he notices that needs to be done) deserves "sweet Ali" ALL the time... not my evil twin here and there. So, as we all do, we hit... shall I say I hit "coast mode" in our marriage. Paying so much attention to everything around us and thinking that we will stay wonderful... if we complete neglect nurturing each other... please!

I am inspired to stop this coast from turning into a full season... just as I'm sure Jen Jordan in Indiana wishes those unbelievable winter seasons would never hit! I'm going to take a stand right now and say one of my favorite passages from The Power of a Praying Wife...

(girls, begin reading aloud)

" I will not allow anything to destroy my marriage. I will not stand by and watch my husband be wearied, beaten down, or destroyed. I will not sit idle while an invisible wall goes up between us. I will not allow confusion, miscommunication, wrong attitudes, and bad choices to erode what we are trying to build together. In Jesus name!"

Woo!! I'm ready to be all God intended me to be for my Sam... shall I say His Sam! Can't wait to scream "VICTORY" on this one... right Jen Dukes!!!


Jenibug7 said...

Good word, sista!
By the way, like Myra asked, do you KNOW if #4 is another boy? Also, I need you to email me your phone #'s because my cell phone died and I lost all my #'s. Sad that I am that dependent on technology and don't have it written anywhere else!!
Jen J.

Erin said...

Hey, Ali!! I was so excited when I found your site off the comment you left on jen's blog!! I will definitely be checking in with you and keeping up on your sweet family!! Welcome to blogworld, sweet girl!!

I can feel your joy just reading your posts!!

Living to Love said...

I needed this! My husband and I have not been married too long. It just helps to remind yourself of the ultimate goal in marraige. This little quote from the book is great!! Thanks.

Living to Love said...

By the way....I found you through Embracing My Cup's blog! In case you were wondering... : )

Your boys are precious!