Wednesday, August 13, 2008

One Woman Among Five Men

When reading the Bible, I am always amazed at how much I learn. I can read one thing that I have read for years and it has a whole new meaning and teachable moment. Isn't it great that God's Word is that way? Well, being one woman among five men... I am always learning something new... be it simple and humorous OR profound and inspiring. Take a little peek into just a few of my insights....

Give boys a pack of tattoos and they will have hours of fun!

And they will get mom in on the action, too!

Break an arm...
and you get alot of Tampa Bay Buccaneers signatures! Have some organizing to do...and a little boy stuck at home with a broken arm while his brothers go swimming...
You choose little boy and have a good ole time with Hershey Kisses

You have a husband that uses a child's Lightning McQueen tackle box as his own and uses it when fishing with his buddies...

You've got a man with his priorities in order.
Got 5 minutes? Grab your baby, run off to their sweet little nursery, close the door, and don't take your eyes, smiles, or kisses off of them!
After spending an hour planting new plants in your pots and beds...
you can expect a basketball to find a new home.

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