Monday, August 25, 2008

A Little Chocolate, No Cast, Less Hair, & The Beach!

While watching my children, I am quickly learning that the need and the ability for pure fun just runs through their veins. It shouldn't surprise me... Sam and I both grew up in VERY fun and active households. My mom was the head of advertising for a water park, so me and my sister have very fond memories of running around the waterpark weekly! When we were with our dad on the weekends... oh my goodness FUN! From bikerides to beach trips to ice cream to gardening... we had fun! Sam's dad was ALWAYS playing and coaching sports with him. His mom is just one of the most fun and lively people I know. So, the search for fun and memories is just engrained in us... seizing every opportunity to have's a little peek into our crazy and fun week...

Bo found the chocolate syrup... "No need to clean up, let's take pictures... then, lick it off!!!"

Colby got his cast off... "Let's go swimming!!!"
Max got his first haircut... "Let's make it a date" ... just mommy and Max!

Labor Day Holiday... "Let's go stay a night at the beach!"Yay, Sam!! A picture of the boys... with their mom!!!
Gotta love watchin' your biggest boy run into the big waves!
Max's first trip to the beach!! He LOVED it!!!

Oh, Bo!! You just ran and ran and smiled the entire time!
Sweet Colby! You just flopped in those waves with your little body and freshly healed arm. Those waves knocked you over and pulled you under, but you came up with a smile after every wipeout. Have I ever told you you're my daredevil! :)My party boys!! The big boys and momma headed out to Ron-Jon's Surf Shop after we put Max to bed...
Jack, Colby, and Bo couldn't believe that we left the hotel at 8:09pm so we had to get proof... Sam and I couldn't believe we were out at the ocean the next morning at 8:05... Seize the moment for fun, right!!!

Look at those waves... Hurricane Gustav was stirring it up!
Go have a little fun today!!!!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Looks like you all have had a lot of fun!!! I always love to hear about your family's little adventures!!