Friday, August 10, 2007

"Come On Baby, I'm Taking You Out"

My husband is a country boy at heart!
He has downloaded countless country songs in which he plays at House Blend over the speaker system during his shifts. I said to him... Surley people don't want to hear that stuff. Come to find out... they all love it. The workers, the customers..EVERYBODY! Even our very "sophisticated" friends have since told me that they love to go to the cafe when Sam is working because they know they will hear some good ol' country music! Chuckle, chuckle, from me! I think my country boy Sam has let these city folks know that it is ok to listen to country and boy are they all listening to it... to my surprise! :)
For Sam's 32nd, birthday we surprised him with tickets to the Brad Paisley concert here in Orlando. And last night was the night. He was giddy all day! I have to admit so was I! Seems that majority of Brad Paisley's songs have caused Sam to think about me, our kids, or him being the best man he can be... so, I am in full support of any songs that cause a little hop in my husband's step. So, our evening was upon us...
We were getting ready to go and Sam asked me where I wanted to eat... oooh... such a fun question for a pregnant lady! I said.. "I want to go to one of those big buffet places that you can have your choice of everything for only $9.99! You know where you can have chicken, steak, shrimp, green beans, tacos, pasta, ribs, cornbread, big fat yeast rolls, AND dessert... your choice of cookies, cobbler, cake, brownies, ice cream, jello, fruit. THAT'S where I want to go." He said, "Well, I'm gonna take my girl out on the town. We are going to the Golden Corral and then to a Brad Paisley concert!!!" Yee- Haw!!!
So, we got the boys dropped off for their sleepover at our precious friends, the Caffey's home; with their three boys... all about the same age as our boys and they adore each other;
We polished off all of the above named foods at the Golden Corral and headed for the concert. As we pulled into our parking space, I said, " I don't see any other minivans." To which Sam replied very disgruntled, "AAHHH, we should've driven my truck!" Maybe next time!
We got into the concert, found our $9.23 seats which were exactly where we wanted them; high enough to where we could just sit back and relax and listen to the music; not have to stand and dance with the beer luggin' rowdy crowd. Boy were they fun to watch though!!! Max was definitley dancing along with the crowd in my tummy; I guess he's gonna be a country boy at heart like his daddy! Brad Paisley was everything wonderful to sit and watch and listen to and then we headed out to our quiet little home. Woke up this morning, went out for a quiet breakfast, and then we went and picked up our three little men from their sleepover!
What a fun night... It's a beautiful thing being together for almost 11 years now and still having that fun spark as if it were the first night of the summer we met. I've still got my country boy... the same as the night I met him... and "I wouldn't have it any other way!" Oops... that's a Kenny Chesney song... sorry Brad!

(I'll post a picture later from the concert)


Jennifer said...

So thankful for the moments, hours and sometimes days we have alone with our sweet hubbies to enjoy them and keep that spark alive! We are so very blessed with them! Glad you had fun! Love you tons!

Jenibug7 said...

I am glad you had fun too! But, one question- where has Jen D. gone to? Has she given up blogging already? :) Seriously, I check for updates all the time and still those same 2 pieced of paper- I am so thankful for them but ready to hear about what is new!! :)
Love you both!
Jen J.