Monday, August 6, 2007

Celebration, Relaxation, Elation... Our Vacation!!!

Vacation was upon us... after doing kids camps, events, and preparing for one of our biggest kids events with our church family EVER... it was time to get away. Get away from our life? NO WAY! I didn't want to "escape" for a second. What I did want to do is get away from my to-do list and focus 100%, 24 hours a day on my boys and my husband. I can't do THAT at home... there is a job, there are friends, there is a home to care for... the things outside of our family structure that make life even richer... but on vacation... it's just us! And an amazing family who was ready to pamper us all along the way!! So, it was time... time to chase lightning bugs, rock on the porch, stay up late, skip rocks, ride the wake, comb the mountainside, look into each others eyes and just gaze, hold a sleepy eyed baby in the morning because I don't have to prepare breakfast, have deep quiet talks while the kids sleep in the car, and laugh, and smile, and sleep... It was time!!!

Our Vacation began when my sister, Tami, came to Orlando with my niece and nephew, Cale & Whitney for a few days to play. Then we all took off together to head to her home on The Creek. When I was logging the pictures in I did it backwards, so the pics begin at the end of our vacation at the Lake with Sam's parents. So, just as adventurous and crazy as this vacation was... so, will the blog!!!

Check out this data... We drove 6 hours to see my sister and family and my dad, stepmom, and little sister with twins in South Alabama for 2 days. Then we drove 9 hours to see my mom, stepdad, stepbrothers and families, and grandfather in The Mountains of Tennessee for 2 days. Then we drove 4 hours to see Sam's parents, sister and family at The Lake in Alabama for 3 days. Then we drove 9 hours home!! Shew!!! That's 7 days, 28 hours in the car, 21 meals I didn't have to cook, 4 new laugh line wrinkles... PRICELESS! What a vacation!!!

Sam's Parents with our boys and Sam's sister's twin boys, Ben & Isaac. Can't you tell how much they love them???
Yes... we relaxed! Pop and Lali take over and shove us out of the way to be with the boys. The first thing Lali did when she saw the boys was hug them and say, "I just don't get to see you enough!"

Bo's first waverunner ride! He loved it letting out a little "woo-hoo" with his arm in the air!

Jackson played the big brother role perfectly riding with Bo in the tube!

Yes, that is pregnant me taking Bo for a ride. I only went 25mph on a smooth lake. I couldn't let the boys have ALL the fun!!

Bo, Ben & Isaac had fun playing in the "tunnel"!!!
Gotta borrow the quote from Stephen Curtis Chapman...
"I'm diving in, I'm going deep, in over my head I want to be!!"

Now, we were in the mountains with Gramoo and Grouch. We had "funny faces and races." Max got in on the fun, too!!
Bo fell asleep everytime it was time to go to sleep while on the 4 wheeler!

The inclined slip and slide was a hit!

Oh, my boys!!! I can't believe that God is giving me another one!
They loved skipping and throwing rocks in the Creek.

My grandfather and Audrey just ate up the kiddos!! Too sweet!!

Here we are at my sister's house on the Creek.
Do these two love each other or what?

Colby enjoying the watermelon and Sam enjoying some R & R!

Jackson mastered the kayak!!

Here are the boys in the mountains.. they camped out both nights with Daddy. Pregnant mommy slept in the cabin. I laid with them in the tent until they fell asleep, then headed for the bed!!

Traveling with Cale & Whitney to pick blueberries with Papa (my dad)!

Blueberries beware... the kids are coming with buckets in hand!!

More went in Bo's mouth than in his bucket!

Mommy got in the action with the blueberry eatin'... I mean pickin'.

Yes.. that is Bo jumpin' into the Creek!!!
Now, we are home and there is no better place on this planet to be... the first thing the boys did when we got home was run and jump in their beds!! While Sam gave them their bath, I freshened up their beds, so that as they dozed off for the night they could fall asleep with sweet memories of their vacation, but inhale the smell of their home that is the scent of love, protection, guidance, provision, and peace!
It was time... time to be home... time to get back to our jobs, our friends, our to-do list, and focus on our life 100%. The beautiful life that God has given to us... may we cherish every moment we are given.


Amy said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all the pictures! I felt relaxed just looking at all those pictures of vacation fun! It is obvious you had lots of precious, quality family time - what a blessing!

Jenibug7 said...

LOVE the pictures!!!