Saturday, May 24, 2008

Oh, Family!!

In the light of the recent news of Stephen Curtis Chapman and family losing their beloved 5 year old, Maria; I just had to sit and reflect on how precious family is and how precious every minute is because you never know when it's going to be your last.

We had the blessing this past weekend of getting to be with Sam's Parents, Grandmother, Sister and Family, and our church family from when Sam and I were dating and first married. The Lakehouse was full of love... full of memories... full of joy!!! Making every minute count!

All the boys had to say was, "Pop, can we go fishin'?" Without hesitation, Pop said, "Yeah, let's go!"
I love when the whole family is together because there are alot of people to help Aunt Amanda with her twin boys so she can steal a minute away with our boys!! They love her!!
Uncle Robbie is so playful with the boys.. in a moments notice he will have the boys flipped upside down tickling them til they almost wet their pants.
I have this same picture with all 4 of our boys... Their first boat ride... driving with Pop!!

What a crew!!! Our 4 boys and Amanda's twins, Ben & Isaac. Pop & Lali were made to have grandsons!!
Here we are... relaxed as can be!! The lake, Lali & Pop... R & R!!!

Colby cooking homemade buttermilk biscuits with Lali!!
Max gettin' some Nanny Bea love!!!
Oh, my guys!! Makes a mommas heart leap!!
Thank you, Lord, for family!! Thank you for this sweet little vacation and for our summer vacation to come where we get to see the rest of our AMAZING family. May we cherish every treasurable moment you have given us.


Amy said...

I just love the new pictures - especially the one of your family! Glad to hear you all had such a wonderful vacation.

Stacey said...

Love, love, love the new pics. Everyone looks so great!!! Max is a mini-me Bo. We miss you all so much. Glad you had fun on your vacation, a well deserved break for you!! love you!

The Rutland Family said...

What do you mean coming this far north and not letting me know!!!??? I'm kidding!! I know how busy family visits are. I am so glad that you guys had a fun time. I think you all have some of the cutest boys around. Love you and miss you!

Erin said...

What sweet pictures!!! And, I love the post below with the Bible-hills!!! What a fun family you have!! Four very handsome and sweet young men!!! Can't wait to have a picture of my four men one day!!!