Saturday, May 24, 2008


And we are ready for a good time..
We already LIVE at the pool!! It's only June 3rd...
Everybody is throwing their suits and flops on and heading to the oasis that awaits us.

Bo has a special "ride" to the pool!
Bo has learned how to swim by himself...

He's soooo proud!

It's hard to tell if "daredevil Colby" has been thrown by his daddy or if he is falling from the sky!

Look who is swimming for the first time!! Go, Max!!
Who is that woman holding Max? Oh my word, a picture of mom!! Way to go, Sam, taking the camera for a change!!

Gotta love the hats!!!

Welcome to summertime, boys!!!
Sure does get hot in Florida!! We just seem to forget every year that it can really be THIS HOT!!


Jenibug7 said...

I LOVE that every one of those boys looks like Jackson did at that age. I LOVE that you always put those hats on them when they are babies- remember when Sam's hat ripped and the top came out and he wore it anyway and fried the top of his head?! And I LOVE that Max is SO white!!! (I've never seen such white baby skin! LOL) We just LOVE all yall and miss ya!

The Rutland Family said...

You guys are so much fun!!! Sam started swim lessons this week and it is quite entertaining. I'll try and put some pictures up soon. Love you all and enjoy the updates!!!!!
Give your guys a big hug from the Rutland family!

Stacey said...

next step: beautiful couch boys tans and WHITE hair :) Glad you're enjoyin' the summer down there. Miss you all!!!

Amy said...

Love that pic of Colby flying through the air! Priceless!

Glad to see you guys are keepin' cool in this summer heat!