Tuesday, July 10, 2007

OK, Who's Out There Prayin'?

I must say that Sam and I are in one of the busiest times of our life right now. Noting that I haven't done a new blog in a while. We were a big part in hosting our annual July 4th event for Westpoint, we are helping to run a Backyard Bible Club all this week in a neighboring community, we are hosting WFC's compassKIDS Klub next week, heading out for a week long vacation totaling 26 hours of drive time, hosting our first family worship event, Kidstuf, upon our arrival, taking care of our little family, and getting ready for baby boy Max to arrive.

Even though ALL of this is going on... WE FEEL PROTECTED!!! Our marriage is stronger than ever, our children are thriving and secure, we feel sane due to the help from all of our supporters in the ministry and precious friends & family. And God... oh thank you, God. Thank you for placing that hedge of protection around our home and our hearts. Thank you for fighting the war of the enemy away from us right now so that we can accomplish your work in our home and in our church family.

So, I just gotta know who is our prayer warrior team out there... I know Nanny Bea, in Gadsden, AL is just praying away as she always has for Sam his whole life, but I do believe we have some secret weapons out there!!! Keep up the great wok... we appreciate you greatly supporting us in the best way possible!!!


Matt said...

Ali, it's great to read what is going on with ya'll and how happy life seems for you! God is good and the Abundant life is fun!! visit us on www.xanga.com/myraj to see some recent happening in our lives! Love ya'll!

JMoseley said...

Hey Ali! I can't believe you and Sam are on your 4th boy now! It seems like Jackson was just turning one yesterday! It was great to hear from you and I'm glad you guys are doing so well. We find out what our 3rd little one is on Friay- I'm learning alot about patience! :) Take care and know you have another prayer partner out there!

Jenibug7 said...

You've been "Tagged". See my blog...