Spring Break came and we hit the road for an adventure... We headed to Orlando to see sooo many people who we adore... We were there 5 days and only did one Disney park... Blizzard Beach... the rest of the time we hung out with our Orlando family and had a blast!!!
Blizzard Beach... all smiles!

Sweet Jaclyn... our Orlando babysitter, "nanny", my favorite 17 year old on the planet!

My buddy Alison... we spent many lonely nights together with our 7 boys while the hubbies were working late... forever friend... we love staying at Casa de Kelly!

My Connie... my "been there, done that" friend... her advice and support is forever cherished!

My Kelli... if we could raise our 7 boys together in a lakehouse... we would!!! Nothin' like that Caffey/ Couch time!!

My Cathy... Seth and Cathy are the Orlando grandparents! I have never seen a lady adore my boys as much as their own grandmothers... I love her love... for them and me and Sam!

Of course... my Jen... we saw each other everyday I was there... soaking up every second we could be together...

Girls' Nite Out... all my Women's Bible Study, and more, buddies all got together for a night FULL of laughs... we never skip a beat!

We love staying at the Kelly's home when we visit... the 7 boys LOVE each other and I got to get a Matthew kiss every morning and night!!
We got to see our beloved Catalina... "Caleena" as all my boys have called her when little.

The playgroup crew at ChicFilA.

Bo and Megan... their first picture taken together was at 6 weeks old... when Megan saw him on Sunday morning, she just ran into his arms... no hesitation...

There's those Albers! Can't imagine not having their love in our life!!!

Sam had one of his greatest fishing days EVER with Ben! He's still giddy from it!!!
Max caught his first fish...

Then... had to let it go... :(

Max's first tube ride at Blizzard Beach...


Dancin' with the Dukes' kiddos!

Jammin' with the Caffey boys...

Annual Caffey/ Couch pic on the couch...

New haircuts for Spring...

Dancin' with the Johnson Elementary kids...

A day at the Atlanta Zoo with Colby and Max...