Friday, April 3, 2009

So Long....

Wow! Are we loving our new and simple life! Sam is in a job that he is thriving in and I get to be home with our little boys while focusing on our home and family! This decision has caused us to make some very important, yet valued sacrifices. We're making alot of changes to nurture our new life and renewed focus! Be it a pay cut, no internet, no big cable package... IT'S ALL WORTH IT! More time for the things that we love and value the most! So, although I will miss facebooking with my friends... I will enjoy phone calls that much more! Even though we won't have some of these fun luxuries... the peace of knowing that we will be putting money in savings is exciting! Although we won't have entertainment at our fingertips with the TV... we will enjoy more game times and quiet times! Although I won't be blogging our family stories for our loved ones to enjoy... that just means you have to come visit to see our life story told in scrapbooks!

So long internet buddies... call or visit ANYTIME!!!

The Couch Clan


Amy said...

Will really miss reading the blog and hearing updates about your sweet family. I'm so thrilled for you - you sound so happy and so at peace. Enjoy the simple life!! Much love to your family!

Jenibug7 said...

will you PLEASE email me contact info before i lose you forever?!

J.A.M (Jonathan, Anna, and Michelle Norton) said...

Don't know if you'll read this before you internet connection expires but I've enjoyed getting to know a little more about you and your family via internet. Hope we can continue to connect on our walks to see the cows!!