Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Few Things that I Love About My Boys...

Their dirty little feet...
They love to run up the slide moreso than sliding down...

They love to swing higher and higher and higher...

They truly believe they can tackle their daddy...

They love romping around in the grass...

over and over and over... no problem...

They are absolutely adorable in jeans...

They seem to claim anything pretty that I have in our home into little boy storage...

They find the joy in anything... even turning a carseat around...

They adore each other...

Although they have distinct differences... you can tell they are brothers...

One look from each one of them... and their charm makes my heart flutter...

They are all gonna be men one day wearing a tux on their special day... and I'm gonna remember these little days when they were just mine and Sam's. I can't wait to share their charm and joy and little boy hearts with four beautiful ladies one day.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Love the picture of one of your little men's feet!! And, the bath pictures are adorable!

You have beautiful boys!