Thursday, February 21, 2008

My Toe Hurts a Little, Honey!!

My famous last words! My big toe had been hurting for a few days and I knew it must be an ingrown toenail. This is the same beautiful toe that caught a fungus of sorts when I got a pedicure one time. Since I've been pregnant or nursing since I caught it, I haven't been able to do anything about it. So, needless to say it is one pitiful toe. Tuesday afternoon, I decided that I better get this sucker checked out because it is hurting worse as the days go by and now it has a red ring around the entire nail. As I had dinner with my Tuesday night dinner friend, she looked at it and said, "You can't wait til tomorrow, here's $20 toward the Urgent Care copay!" Yeah... it was that bad. Well, I waited til the next day. At my 9:00am appointment in which I had Colby, Bo, and hungry Max, Iwas told that they would need to do a 20 minute procedure removing half of my toenail and start me on antibiotics. For a toe!!! Well, I had to leave with nothing done and come back that afternoon without my crew in tow... appropriate wording. Ha!
So, I got Jackson from school at 2:00 and he said he wanted to go with me. Maybe he should've thought this one through... you'll see in a minute! We arrived at the doctor and the SURGERY began... two shots of numbing agent... didn't do it... had to get third shot right in the pain zone. ooh!! All was numb so time to dig in! Uhh! Jackson said he wanted to watch and I advised him not to. He still chose to watch and 2 minutes later... my stoic 8 year old was on his back, with his legs propped up in a chair, and a barf bowl at his side. Big man was going down!! Once the nurses got him all cool... they finished me up. All was good until we started to drive home... the numbing agent wore off and I WAS IN PAIN!!!!! Now listen... I have had 4 C-sections... those recoveries don't come close to the pain I was in over this toe!!! No lie!!! I got home, popped a pain pill... and all was good.
So, now, my toe looks very sad with half a toenail gone. Not really excited that cold weather is going away and flip-flops will be the adornment soon. Yes, she will be exposed... in all her beauty for all to see. I would send a picture, but I don't want you on your back on the floor with a barf bowl by your side!!!


Terri said...

Oh my goodness! Poor girl. I'm praying for a speedy recovery. At least you got a handful of men to watch over you, just you, not your toe! :)

The Sumners said...

Hey Ali! So sorry about your toe, but glad to hear from you on our blog. It looks like the Couch family has grown quite a bit since we were at seminary! What beautiful boys you have!!! Let's catch up sometime. email us at!
Take care

Erin said...

I know that Erik has told me many a story of tough, big, strong football players from the jr. college he does sports medicine for being reduced to crying babies over toenail removals. Toenails are serious business! I have an ingrown toenail, so I can feel your pain, a little, anyway. But, I won't do a thing about it until it looks as bad as you described yours looking!!!

The Spears said...

Oh I feel you girl! I had to have a little "toe surgery" myself before I came to NOLA, and there is no pain like toe pain!!! Humm, my toe hurts thinking about it!! Funny funny story.